Back to my work

My Role

Founder & Organiser.

My Skills

  • Web Design
  • Front End Build
  • WordPress
  • Print material (t-shirts, bags, programmes)
  • Photographer
  • Promo Film Maker

About this project

A personal project of mine, and one that was a hell of a lot of fun. In 2013 a friend and I came up with an idea for a hackathon based in a pub. 7 months later ran our first PubHack event. We had 20 people attend to trial it out and it was such a success I ended up running 4 more after that.

The idea is teams of 4 get given a theme at the beginning of the day, and have 10 hours to produce something, anything, and present it later in the evening.

I currently have no plans to run anymore in the new future but would love to do another at some point.

PubHack website
PubHack website
PubHack name badges
Name badges and t-shirts for the teams
The designed programme and t-shirt for the first ever PubHack
The designed programme and t-shirt for the first ever PubHack
A winning team from PubHack #5
A winning team from PubHack #5