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Portsmouth Freelancers Meet is back!

Last modified: 17th February 2023

Portsmouth Freelancers Meet at Staggering

As some of you know I run a local networking group called Portsmouth Freelancers Meet, and after 16 months, three lockdowns and a whole load of other stuff, we were finally able to meet face to face again.

The last meetup we has was March 2020, two weeks before we went into a full worldwide lockdown. And last night, we got to all hang out at our usual* meetup spot and catch up on the last year and a half.

*I say usual, because since the pandemic started Staggeringly Good Brewery has undergone a major restructure and refurb!

Due to Staggering’s change, I’ve re-adjusted the meetup day to the first Thursday of every month in line with their new opening times. But the good news is, you can now get fresh baked pizza at the brewery now too!

Anyway, it was absolutely amazing to be back and around 35 people showed up. If you’d like to come along and meet other freelancers (and myself) you can find the meetup details on the website.

First pfmeet back after 16 months – we managed to fill the place!
Me (front) and some of the gang!

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